Saturday, September 8, 2007

Diet news 08/09/2007

Diet for Smokers and Ex-Smokers
By Linda Smyth As a dietitian, the three most common questions which smokers ask me about diet and smoking, are: (1) Can a diet compensate for health damage caused by smoking? (2) What should I eat if I smoke? (3) If I quit, ...

Alba doesn't diet at all (
New York, Sep 8 - Actress Jessica Alba doesn't pay any attention to news reports about her weight and says she is not on a diet.

This dessert is to diet for (The Washington Examiner)
The idea of eating cookies as a diet was all it took to try Dr. Sanford Siegal's Cookie Diet cookies, as they sounded delectable enough. Thing is, this isn't your everyday, ordinary cookie. The Miami doctor created the cookies in 1975 in his kitchen and introduced them to his diet patients to help curb hunger cravings. According to Siegal, the cookies work because they suppress hunger for longer ...

I just hit the jackpot!
I have been part of a running/walking club (I do the walking part, trying to incorporate jogging into it) that gathers every Sunday morning. This past week I did my all time personal high and walked 8.5 miles. The person that organized ...

Alba doesn't diet at all (New Kerala)
New York, Sep 8 : Actress Jessica Alba doesn't pay any attention to news reports about her weight and says she is not on a diet. "I don't listen to it. I don't read it. I think it would make me crazy if I did," she was quoted as saying by

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